1 minute read

This tutorial will show you how to keep your McBot always online. If you don’t know what McBot is, feel free to read our last tutorial here: AFK your Minecraft farms without a computer. In short, McBot is a Minecraft Bot service in the cloud. You don’t need to download or install anything, and you’ll be able to AFK your farms without keeping your computer on.


If you play on some public Minecraft servers, you may have experienced the following situations:

  • Server got restarted sometimes (usually daily)
  • Got kicked out randomly due to AFKing
  • Disconnected from server because of your intermittent internet connection
  • Computer went to sleep
  • and more…

McBot has a build-in feature to try to reconnect to the server automatically when disconnected.

How to set it up

By default, the feature is not turned on. You need to manually enable it by:

Navigate to your Bot Settings page, and choose an option like this:

screenshot for the settings page

You can pick either in 5 min or in 10 min. It means in how many minutes your Bot will try to reconnect to the server after disconnected.

If you are playing on your own server, in 5 min is a good option, but if you are playing on some public server, in 10 min is preferred.

Click Save button to save your preference settings.


The change would not apply to a running Bot. Your Bot will pick up the preferences next time when you click Start Bot button.

When you are playing on your computer, remember to stop your Bot if you have set up auto-reconnecting. Otherwise, your Bot will try to reconnect and kick you out :)